Do you miss your school crush? Or are you looking for the best prank idea to pull on your office crush? Instead of sending a normal text, master how to prank them without causing harm. If done correctly, pranks like anonymous messages or song lyric pranks on crush will cause both of you to smile. However, you need to ensure they are in a good mood before initiating a prank to avoid damaging the relationship.
This post explores how to prank your crush over text. Some interesting song lyric pranks are also included. Ready to serenade him/her? Let’s dive in!
Different Prank Texts to Crush for Different Situations
There are several pranks on text to send to your crush, depending on the situation. They include:
- ✨Grab Attention (When You’re Nervous to Start a Conversation)
Example: “Breaking News! Local disaster as Cynthia Wilfred (Your Name) doesn’t know how to start a conversation with the most handsome guy in the community. Please advise.”
Why: Self-deprecating humor compels your crush to rescue you while both of you laugh.
- 😸Show Off Your Humor (When You Want to be Memorable)
Example: “Olivia Rodrigo said, I’m so sick of myself, I’d rather be anyone else… This is me asking if I can borrow your interesting personality for a day in school.”
Why: Playfully dramatic but causes laughs and initiates a smooth conversation.
- 🥰Test Chemistry (See If Your Crush Feels Your Vibe)
Example: “Is your name Google? Because you’ve got everything I’ve been searching for.” If that isn’t the smoothest pickup line, what is?”
Why: Quirky lyrics that challenge your crush to keep up the banter or start a convo.
How to Prank Your Crush over Text?
Below, we’ve outlined 7 fun things to text your crush, including lyric prank for crush, as well as anonymous texts.
Song Lyric Prank to Crush
This tactic is ideal when you’re shy or don’t know how to talk to your crush. It involves choosing a love/emotional song with short sentences and sending them one by one. If your crush knows the song, he/she will most likely figure out your intention and reciprocate accordingly. But if they don’t, you can say it’s a prank.
🎶Examples of lyric prank to crush include:
1. Love Story (by Taylor Swift: Send lines like…
“We were both young when I first saw you
I close my eyes and the flashback starts
See you make your way through the crowd”
2. I Need Your Love (by Calvin Harris): Send lines like…
“I need your love, I need your time
When everything’s wrong, you make it right”
3. Hello (by Adele): Send lines like…
“Hello, it’s me
I was wondering if after all these years you’d like to meet
To go over everything
They say that time’s supposed to heal ya, but I ain’t done much healing”

4. Gorgeous (by Taylor Swift): Send lines like…
“You should take it as a compliment that I got drunk and made fun of the way you talk
You should think about the consequence of your magnetic field being a little too strong”
5. Never Gonna Give You Up (by Rick Astley): Send lines like…
“We’re no strangers to love
You know the rules and so do I
A full commitment’s what I’m thinking of
You wouldn’t get this from any other guy”
Count Down a Random Time to Nothing
This method is ideal for announcing your desire to your crush or pranking them using a countdown. For example, on the eve of his/her birthday, you can send messages like:
“Only 3 more hours.”
After a few minutes, you can send “2 hours and 45 minutes left.”
When they ask who you are or what’s going on, you can say, “it’s a surprise.”

You can also use this method to pull off the best April fools pranks over text for crush when you use Anonsms – a tool that allows anonymous texting. You can even use it to boldly confess your feelings without revealing your identity.
Send a GIF of the Typing Bubble
This is one of the pranks to do on friends over text if you both use iOS devices.
Check your GIFs and click on the gray typing bubble (make sure it’s a moving GIF, not just a picture else they would catch your bluff). It will be sent as a message to your crush, but when they opens it, it will appear as if you’re typing. However, the bubble will never go away. They will most likely think you are typing a very long message, whereas you are not.

Saying Something Important to Tell to Crush, and No Response
Using this method can be risky, especially if your crush shares the same feeling as you or cares about your safety. They might think you are in trouble and be extremely worried.
Basically, how to prank your crush over text through this method involves sending a text like:
“I have something really important to tell you.”
Then, when you see their reply, don’t respond.
After a while, they may start sending you concerned messages, asking where you are or how you’re doing.

Later, you can text them back and say it was a prank. Note that they may not take it lightly.
Send Leading Questions to Crush
Are you scared of professing your love to your crush directly? You can send an “I love you prank” by asking leading questions. For example, ask him/her to play this game with you:
You: “I’ll ask you 3 questions”
Crush: “Okay”
You: “Which letter in the alphabet sounds like eye?”
Crush: “I”
You: “What is the opposite of hate?”
Crush: “Love”
You: “What’s the last vowel in the alphabet?”
Crush: “U”
You: “Now, put them together”
He/she will be surprised with the game result, causing both of you to laugh and make jokes.

Send Love Language in Other Languages
Another method on how to prank someone on text is professing your feelings or intentions to them in other languages. This tactic is suitable when you don’t have the courage to speak your mind in a familiar language. You can hide behind another language to pass your message.
You can even send this text anonymously through Anonsms–it can translate your text to any other language and keep your identity secure. This ensures that your existing relationship with the person isn’t messed up.

Send Funny Text to Crush
If you’re not capable of pranking crush with lyrics and the other methods discussed above are not your thing, you can prank your crush by sending funny text.
This method is perfect to get you and your crush closer if you just knew each other. Send funny texts like:
You: “Will you remember me one day?”
Crush: “Yes”
You: “Will you remember me in a week?”
Crush: “Yes”
You: “Knock knock”
Crush: “Who’s there?”
You: “You said you’ll remember me!!! (laughs)”
Your crush will most likely laugh, too, for falling easily for the joke.

If you miss someone or don’t know how to approach them, you can send them a humorous message to help you reconnect. As we’ve explored how to prank your crush over text, don’t let fear keep you away from that special person. You can even send a text via Anonsms to keep your identity a secret.
FAQs about Pranking Crush over Text
Below are answers to 2 frequently asked questions about pranking crush over text. Read on for more insight.
1️⃣What Pranks to Do on My Crush at School?
👉Here are 2 good pranks to do on your crush at school:
- One Knee Prank: Go down on one knee in front of him or her, pause for a second, and then proceed to tie your shoe lace. Works every time.
- Confetti Explosion: Make them feel like it’s festive season. Tape a small balloon filled with confetti to the top of the classroom door. When they come in, the balloon pops, showering them with confetti.
2️⃣What is a Good Text Prank?
What’s termed as “good text prank” varies depending on the parties involved and the situation. But generally, the ultimate guide to prank text messages involves choosing the right target, timing your prank, and making sure your relationship doesn’t turn sour after the prank.